
WIP WORKSHOP May 17, 2017

Structural changes in elastomers and TPE – mechanical testing with TSSR and LNP® nano touch

Physical and chemical aging processes can lead to structural changes in elastomers and TPE.
These impair the component properties and can ultimately lead to component failure.

As part of this workshop, two new test methods were presented that capture structural changes like Network dismantling or post-networking, proving in a sensitive way and recording quantitatively. The TSSR method provides extensive information about the entire network structure and the relaxation behavior. The LNP nano touch displays the property changes spatially resolved in the nanometer range. In addition to local changes in hardness, the viscoelastic properties can also be determined locally resolved on components and used to assess the state of aging.

The use of these new methods therefore decisively improves quality assurance, damage analysis and the development of new materials.

In addition to the basics, current application examples from industrial practices were shown. Practical exercises, to which participants could bring their own samples, were used to illustrate how the tests were carried out and evaluated.

For material development, product development and quality assurance

At the invitation of:

  • Prof. Dr. Norbert Vennemann, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences – Engineering and computer science
  • Dipl.-Ing. Josef Ludwig, Ludwig Nano Präzision GmbH

Users presentations:

  • Dr. Michael Heinz; Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, about TSSR
  • Dr. Juliane Jungk, Freudenberg Technology Innovation SE & Co. KG, about LNP nanotouch

Date: May 17, 2017, 10 to – 5 pm

Category: Events
Tags: Events
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